Fall 2016
ONA Fokushalle E7
5:30–7 pm

Ocean Territories: Maritime Geopolitics, Migration, and Global Trade

What is the ocean as a territory? Once imagined as a boundless space, largely untouched by human activity, are oceans still a common horizon bringing together the cities and peoples along their shores? Can the open nature of the sea resist the transformative forces of the carved and conflicted earthly masses it is enclosing? Is the ocean space shaped by the strategic control of resources and trade routes? What is the role of the architects in investigating, describing and visualising the urban dynamic of the ocean space? Can ocean territories be designed?

Taking different perspectives, from history, to activism, geopolitics, and design, travellers who have been crossing the global ocean following refugee migrations, onboard container ships and along ancient maritime routes, contribute elements for an urban portrait of ocean territories.

TRAVELLERS: OCEAN TERRITORIES is a series of lectures and conversations about ways of perceiving, studying and portraying urban territories. Each of the guest speakers is a traveler—a person who places the direct observation and experience of urban landscapes in the core of their practice.

  1. Refugee Camps on the Western Sahara

    Manuel Herz, guest lecture

  2. On the Opacity of World Trade

    SAID TO CONTAIN, guest lecture

  3. Floating Bodies

    Adrian Lahoud
